Senior & Disabled Volunteer Services Program
This essential program recruits and coordinates community volunteers to provide direct services for seniors 60 years of age or disabled adults under the age of 60. Among the services we provide are housekeeping, shopping/ errands, meal preparation, yard work, transportation, moving assistance, firewood provisions, minor home repair, and more as we strive to help our clients remain living independently in their own homes.
Medicaid Transportation Program
The Medicaid Transportation program exists to serve Medicaid clients and offer transportation to and from non- emergency medical appointments. Services include both wheelchair transportations and ambulatory transportations- and in some cases, referrals. The main goal of this program is to help promote well-being for clients, most often, this is through the direct nature of conveyance to important appointments.
Monthly Food Box (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) works to improve the health of low-income persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing diets with 30 pounds of shelf stable foods like fresh and canned produce, cereal, juice, rice or pasta, milk, and protein. In addition to the shelf stable box, the CSFP program now delivers a 15 pound box of fresh fruits and vegetables. Our friendly volunteers deliver to all of Skagit county, with multiple delivery days available.
Who is Eligible?
Seniors & Disabled Volunteer Services Program
To qualify for this program you must be a Senior (over 60) or a disabled adult unable to carry out the requested tasks yourself, without anyone else to turn to such as family, friends, neighbors or church members, and without the income to pay a professional provider.

For ambulatory transportation, a person’s eligibility for this program is based primarily upon what their insurance is and what it covers. The most basic requirement of this being to have Medicaid insurance. As most insurance coverages vary person to person, to check if you are eligible for this service, please contact Northwest Regional Council to enroll through them: (360) 738-4554.
For wheelchair services, the first method of eligibility is the same as the ambulatory services- which would be to enroll with Northwest Regional Council at (360) 738-4554. If that is not an option, you can contact Community Action’s Senior and Disabled Volunteer Services program to engage with a specialist who will determine if you are eligible for assistance via that program: (360) 416-7585.
Monthly Food Box (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
To qualify for this program you must be a Senior that is at least 60 years old and have an income limit of $1,883 for a single person or $2,555 for 2 people. If more than 2 people live in a household, the income limit will be higher. For more information you can contact us at (360) 410-5023.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
How to Apply
Senior & Disabled Volunteer Services Program: Call (360) 416-7585 or email
Medicaid Transportation Program: For more information about Medicaid Transport Services, contact Ride scheduling is done by the medical office through the Northwest Regional Council, (360) 738-4554.
Monthly Food Box (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
Community Action’s Skagit Food Distribution Center serves as a coordination hub for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, providing monthly food boxes to low-income seniors (60 years+). You can sign up for this program by calling (360) 410-5023 or by submitting the form below.
Volunteers are the heart and soul of this program. A sense of loneliness and isolation is common among the elderly in our community, especially among those who don’t have a support system of family and friends. We work to address such issues by reaching out to those in need, providing not only help with tangible needs such as transportation or home repair, but also a friendly face and some reassuring human contact. That is why we rely on the dedication of our wonderful volunteers, people like you who care and want to help.
Many find that volunteering brings them joy, inspiration, compassion, and a greater sense of self-worth. As well as personal growth, volunteers seeking future employment may receive the benefits of work experience, employment references, and community networking. Other benefits of working with our Senior & Disabled Services Program are a flexible schedule, mileage reimbursement, and working with our friendly, dedicated staff.
“Everyone can be great because anyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
Questions / Preguntas
For questions, please call Community Action at 360-416-7585.
Para preguntas, por favor llame a Community Action a 360-588-5735.
Para preguntas, por favor llame a Community Action a 360-588-5735.