Community Voice and Power Building

We believe in the power of neighbors helping neighbors. One of the ways we do that is to help grow the leadership of the people we serve. People with lower incomes are smart, creative, resourceful — and they are the experts in how to build communities where everyone can thrive. How do we do that?
  • One third of our Board of Directors represents the client sector, and one half has lived experience in housing instability, foster care systems, hunger, domestic violence, immigration, farm work, being justice-involved, and as veterans, seniors and families with young children.
  • We provide training and support for community members to talk to elected officials and other decision-makers at the local, state and federal level.
  • Our Skagit Latinx Advisory Committee hosts regular public policy listening sessions. 
  • Since 2013, we’ve hosted Take Action! Olympia Trips and meetings with state legislators, nonpartisan candidate forums, and public forums on solutions to housing affordability.

Local Advocacy

  • 2025-2045 Comprehensive PlanningRaise your voice! Help advise local governments on how to plan for population growth, plan for enough housing our neighbors can afford, and build vibrant, inclusive communities.
  • Housing, Food, Resiliency: Let your city and county elected officials know you care about housing that is affordable for people who live and work in Skagit County, access to nutritious food that can be sourced efficiently by the Skagit Food Distribution Center, and programs that support families’ basic needs.
  • Creative Collaborations: Encourage and celebrate the good work that’s being done! Most elected officials know housing is a challenge, and many are working collaboratively for solutions.
  • Learn and Participate: Contact us to learn what YOU can do!

State Advocacy

Federal Advocacy

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