Why Community Action?
We empower people to stabilize their lives. A home and a path to success create healthy communities and positive generational impact. We are an efficient intermediary, leveraging the collective impact of government, philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. We work to maximize the impact of every dollar spent to prevent and end homelessness.
Feeding Skagit County

1 in 7 Adults in Skagit County Experience Hunger

1 in 4 Children in Skagit County Experience Hunger
The Skagit County Food Distribution Center currently processes over 2 million pounds of food per year and about 225 thousand pounds in produce from local Skagitonian farmers. Learn more about the Food Distribution Center here.
We Serve the Most Vulnerable and At-Risk Citizens
Have Incomes Less than $10,000 Per Year
Individuals experiencing food insecurity
Seniors served in 2018
Individuals served through energy assistance
of our clients are children
Skagitonians Served Annually