Community Action Publications
2024 Community Needs Assessment: Community Action agencies are required by their Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding to conduct a community needs assessment of service areas every three years. Community Action of Skagit County has done this assessment with the following goals in mind:
- Show the dimensions of poverty in Skagit County with quantitative and qualitative data;
- Present and analyze our agency service data for the individual, family, community, and agency needs they convey.
- Based on the above data, identify the highest areas of need in Skagit County so that we and others can use it for strategic planning purposes and design services that meet community members’ needs.
- Highlight the actions we have already taken to address the top needs identified and asset map resources that exist in the County to meet these priority areas.
Lessons in Equity: What Works in Services, Staffing & Leadership
Key Learning from a Latinx Advisory Committee Public Policy Listening SessionEnewsletter– If you would like to be added to our email and mailing list, please reach out to our Development Team at